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Website Feature Submissions

Inbetween physical issues, Dead Peasant will now accept submissions for features on our website and social media. These submissions will stick to the same guidelines and creative freedom that we have in our physical issues. These submissions are also 100% free and open year round, and reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Submitting to Dead Peasant

Publishing Rights: dead peasant retains First North American Serial Rights, First Electronic Rights, Electronic Archival Rights, and the right to publish in electronic format. Copyright reverts to said authors upon publication. This means that if we wish to republish a work in a format that separates the piece from the our digital feature, we must first seek your approval and consent. We ask acknowledgement for works subsequently published elsewhere after initially appearing in dead peasant.

All artists, writers, interviewers, and anyone else who wishes to submit to dead peasant must be over the age of 14.

What to send
  • Poetry: Up to three poems. We accept both traditional and experimental poetry. We do not adhere to any specific guidelines for style or content, we simply ask you submit your best work. Along with the written version of the poem, contributors are welcome to submit audio or video readings of their poetry for consideration on our website as well.
  • Short fiction: One story, up to 4000 words. We are seeking a diverse body of work that represents the interdisciplinary theme of our journal. Stories should have strong narration, character development, plot, and must remain literary in essence.
  • Creative nonfiction: One essay, limited to 2500 words. We are open to a broad range of material.
  • Visual arts: 2D works & photos of 3D works in any combination of media, up to 3 images total. We accept photography, paintings, collage, graphic art, digital art, comics, printmaking, drawing, mixed media, and tattoo drawings all in .jpg or .jpeg format. We also accept 2D representations of 3D works such as but not limited to sculptures, jewelry, etc again all in .jpg or .jpeg format. (Please include description of the medium.)
  • Interviews: We accept interviews. Please limit transcribed interviews to 4,000 words or less. Stylistically, we want interviews that discuss interdisciplinary studies, literature, current events, and the arts at large. The edgier the better. Along with the interview transcription, contributors are welcome to submit audio or video recordings of the interview for consideration on social media.
Any submission to dead peasant that does not meet submission guidelines will not be considered.

How To Submit

Click the link below and reply to all required prompts on the form. Some prompts are optional and help us out, and we appreciate those who fill those out as well.

Submission Withdrawal

The editors of dead peasant would prefer that artists and writers not withdraw content that has already been accepted for publication. However, if a contributor wishes to withdraw already accepted content, a written request must be made. The request to withdraw an accepted piece must be made at least 30 business days prior to the publication date by contacting us at: